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photo of Mountain Yuelu
Photo By: ch
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    Mountain Yuelu is part of the Hengshan Range of Nanyue, located at the western bank of the Xiangjiang River.
    It is composed of 72 peaks with Huiyan Peak in Hengyang City as its head and Mountain Yuelu as its foot, hence the name Yuelu. Mountain Yuelu covers an area of eight square kilometers and its summit is 295 meters above sea level. There are many secluded shady valleys and marvelous green mountains as beautiful as jade and as peculiar as folding screens.
    In the forest there are the former residencies of some ancient notables as well as the memorial tombs of some later-day revolutionists: Huang Xing, Cai E, Chen Tianhua, Jiao Dafeng. Confucian, Buddhism and Taoism can all be found here, their heritages are sparkled everywhere in the mountain.
    The main scenic spots are: The Yuelu Academy, the Lushan Temple, the Sui Dagoba, the Yunlu Palace, the monument of King Yu and the Aiwan Pavilion. As the head of the Four national academies, the Yuelu Academy is the source of today's Hu'nan University. It is a national key cultural relics protection unit, locating under the Baohuang Cave. The academy remains complete after 1,000 years.

Edit by: ch
Mountain Yuelu
Aiwan Pavilion
Former Residence...
Former Residency...
Hu'nan Provincia...
Orange Island
Taohuayuan Sceni...
Tianxin Pavilion
Yuelu Academy
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